Ok it is November 28th and my sweet little one turned 2 months old on the 3rd. Let's suffice it to say that this has been on my to-do list for a while. I hope that one day my kids don't look back at the blog, number of photos or anything else in life and think that they got the short end of the stick (talking about the younger ones of course). While I may not have time to blog every single day right now or even get out the camera, I am busy making memories with my children. I am playing with them and hopefully offering them gifts that are much more valuable than posting a few photos on the internet.
Two months FLEW. I blinked my eyes and the entire month of October was gone. We spent lots of time cuddling with our sweet little girl. She loves to be held and snuggled. She is a great sleeper and at two months only wakes up one time per night to eat (usually around 4am) and goes back to sleep. That said, most nights she cluster feeds from about 7-10pm and doesn't actually go to sleep until 10:30. She loves her woombie blanket, loves to be with her Momma the most and is the apple of Little Brother's eye. She is comfortably wearing 0-3 month clothing now and upgraded to size 1 diapers around 6 weeks of age. She still hates the pacifier and the bottle. I am determined to find a bottle that she will take though.
At her 2 month check-up, little Miss weighed in at 11lbs 4oz and 23.5in (50th percentile all around). She has started to coo a bit and loves to give us big, huge grins all the time!
She is such a great joy in our lives!
all of my kids have the best lashes
I spy a little baby chub starting!!